'It'll be about the same amount of time as driving up to Duluth, however you're not going to have to worry about traffic or construction and you're certainly not going to have to sit there focusing on 35W,' Minneapolis City Councilmember, and Northern Lights Express Alliance Chair, Andrew Johnson said. The line goes from the Twin Cities to the Twin Ports, with stops in Minneapolis, Coon Rapids, Cambridge, Hinckley, and Superior, Wisconsin. The captivating beauty of Minnesota's North Shore is set to become even more accessible with the Northern Lights Express. In this session's transportation bill, Minnesota lawmakers approved nearly $200 million for the project, unlocking federal funds that will cover the remainder of the project.
MINNEAPOLIS - A passenger train from the Twin Cities to Duluth and back is now set to become a reality. Minnesota lawmakers approve passenger train from Twin Cities to Duluth 03:48